Saturday, 16 January 2016


      Am a relationship person, and I believe a healthy relationship makes your life span longer. Here are the type of Men I Believe Ladies shouldn’t consider for Marriage!!

1. Men that Womanize
This is no longer news. Once it has entered into a man, only the fervent prayer of a righteous man will cure the addiction.
A lot of male folks will argue that it comes as a result of being single but notwithstanding, I have seen married men who chase after young girls. A womanizer will never change. Forget all the promises he will tell you. Nothing kills a Man faster than a woman. History confirms it, The bible proves it (prov 31:5) and we have seen Heroes who were reduced to nothing just because Womanizing.
2. Men that take Hard substances (Drinks, Weed, Drugs etc)
Just like my first point, the addiction to hard substances can hardly be broken by Marriage. If you date or marry a drug addict, you will only have urself to blame. Technically, I believe that only a supernatural power can destroy such addiction. So my dear lady, if you don’t want to visit shiloh regularly after marriage, don’t neglect the fact I just stated. No matter his riches, Handsome face, etc when he gets to a state of being “High” or “Depressed” and no solution around the corner, you will be in for a long thing.
3. A Man that Loves his Money more than You
This point might be a little bit controversial and I stand to be corrected. When the Love of money takes over a Man, nothing else comes to mind.
Excess money might be there to spend but I doubt if a family will be united to spend the money. So my dear Lady, if you believe that when the money comes in BULK everything will come back to normal, You might end up spending the Cold Nights alone on your Bed.(I.e if you don’t want to cheat).
There are still lots of them, but I consider these 3 the killer of marriages. Am open to corrections and commendations.
Original writer:- AguBushMenyor (Mike)

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