Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Do you wear pants to bed? Many women would likely answer in the affirmative. However, experts say when a woman does so on a daily basis when it’s not necessarily because she is having her period, there may be untoward side effects to it!

Physicians aver that the female genital needs to breathe in order to maintain its PH levels and prevent fungi and odour. And that’s why doctors advise going bare below when it’s bed time at the close of day.
“With BV, there is an increase in harmful bacteria and a decrease in good bacteria. BV is the most common va’ginal infection in women of child-bearing age.”

Part of the problem, says Family Physician, Dr. Grace Obong, is that during the day, women wear a variety of panties and tight outfits that hardly allow their privates to breathe. She says though it’s advisable and absolutely preferable to wear cotton panties, many women still opt for polyester panties, with the attendant heating up of the genital area while the day lasts.
And as for those who may not like to go to sleep without having pants on, Obong recommends wearing of boxers or pyjamas.

Bacterial va’ginosis
Talking about the need to maintain the PH levels of the va’gina, experts at womenshealth.gov say the va’gina normally has a balance of mostly “good” bacteria and fewer “harmful” bacteria. However, a condition, called bacterial va’ginosis, develops when the balance changes.

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