Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Woman post picture of man who was m@sturbat!ng at her

Woman posts picture of man who was m@sturbat!ng at her

By tatafoboi on July 28, 2015  
Camille Regnier, 21-year-old actress who lives in Paris met a very disturbing sight when she took the Métro on July 21, 2015.
Regnier was shocked when she saw a man m@sturbat!ng and looking at her. She took a picture of the pervert and posted it own her Facebook account. The picture was quickly deleted from the social networking site though. “I received a lot of private messages from girls telling me their own stories” Regnier told BuzzFeed France.
“When he was m@sturbat!ng, the guy was staring at me in the window of the metro, not directly at me. Damn it. Yesterday, I was assaulted in the metro by some as*hole, he was so close to me I grabbed him by the neck and today!!! I was watching a video on my phone and I saw him m@sturbat!ng when I looked up! I talked to him, he said nothing, and ran away. WHAT THE F**K IS YOUR PROBLEM???? Yesterday I was wearing jeans and boots and today I was wearing a long skirt… I never make eye contact with them. What’s wrong with respect?? Is it because that I’m a woman that I have to experience your evil perversity every day? I’m tired of living in this city” she wrote on her Facebook account.
“I was shocked, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing” she further told BuzzFeed France.
“I’m tired of what happens and so angry,” she said. “If I had to complain every time this happens, I’d spend my life talking to the police” lamented Regnier.
The police later identified, and found the man stalker/pervert.

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